Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fresh Impressions of LB o J'zazz 2011 Earth Hour

Chaminda this morning dusting, dusting and then more dusting

This morning Chaminda and I started setting up for our special evening in honor of Mother Earth.  Due to the crazy and wild sand storm we had a lot of dust to contend with and candles to lay out. The pictures are grainy as the light was dim and I did my best not to use a flash so that the images are relevant to "Lights Out".
Repurposed paper made into our Special Promotion for the evening

As the lighting got dimmer early in the evening I started working on our special incentives for Earth Hour.  Using some of used brown packing paper and some markers made our own in-house coupons.

Maryam and Chaminda as they start lighting the candle
We had such an incredible evening, and by the time Chaminda and I were done and home it was almost midnight.  What made this so memorable were our guests who came to be part of Earth Hour, they lit candles and hung out as we began our countdown and with the intention of what each and everyone of us will do beyond the 60+. 

Our Tree Of Life's Shadow and the flickering flames

Music, homebrewed organic coffee and hot cider along with goodies from our neighbors Divine and a candle lit evening I can say that we are more than ready to have get togethers at the shop with wonderful friends and guests that we always seem to get.
Lights were out in our shop and Divine. The rest of the area was bright as usual
There was a lot of energy in our shopping complex due to our activities and hopefully by 2012, the whole complex and Kuwait will turn their lights and switch to candles for Earth Hour with a long term commitment to what really matters: the quality of our life with some wisdom on how we utilize our resources, waste management and the status of water. 

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